From the inception the Club met twice a month and focused on providing community support. Members cooperated with the City Council to assist in cleaning the beach and sand dunes and providing trash containers and signs. They donated the sun dial to the Harrison Library garden and provided the original planting for the garden.
Profits from early activities provided funds for the Fund for Unemployment Relief and gifts for needy children donated to the Red Cross. During World War II, the Club bought war bonds and formed a sewing unit to assist the Red Cross, donated tools to the Girl Scouts’ Victory Garden, and donated to the British Relief Fund with “Bundles for Britain”. In 1941 they raised enough funds to pay for an ambulance as the gift of the women of Carmel to the British people.
The Carmel Woman’s Club continues to support community events and non-profit organizations by hosting special events at the clubhouse. The primary fund raisers include a Harvest Luncheon each November and a Fashion Show and Luncheon each May.
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